Monday, October 19, 2009

Welcome to the Wild Life

I am so jazzed to be featured on PAGE ONE of Ruthless Peoples Magazine's Wild Life issue (download by clicking on the picture). I LOVE RPM. Their fantastic taste notwithstanding, I love their crisp pdf layout and their "reader guidance" comments. Funny comments.  This issue is full of what I call "safe" pieces, but Tom Sykes' Bad Territory #2 is prefaced with:  Be advised that this is not light reading and will easily offend even robust individuals.  I know, some of you are now going to run right over there right now and check that one out...

For the rest of you that are still here, my One Yorkshireman's Perfection is my first ekphrastic poem. I wrote it last winter in response to my favorite photograph, Winter Light by Richard Kettlewell; jotting new words from it every morning for 30 days. I even interviewed the photographer for additional insights.  Richard kindly gave me permission to share a thumbnail of my poem's inspiration with you here.

A special thanks goes to Dominic Hamer and Stewart Baker of RPM. You guys ROCK on both sides of the Atlantic. I'd also like to thank Jessie Carty, whose insight helped me step back enough to let readers see.

(J Sudborough)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Love from MSNBC

So I go out of town for a few days.  To my gram's cabin, nestled in an internet/mobile-phone free zone.  To breathe for a sec.  And look what happens!

I've been waiting for this to go live for ages.  Very fun.  I'm honored to share this clip with David Erlewine and Robert Swartwood.  Humbled actually.  You guys ROCK!  To Ben White at Nanoism I say thanks for publishing the story that I read on camera.  And to Mel Bosworth I send a cyber-hug for having my back while I was out of range.


Friday, October 2, 2009

September Slipped By

September. What a month. My head is still spinning. To the point that I can only think in bullets:
Each of these items deserves a post of its own, but I'm afraid I have to dash.  My gram has been neglected far too long.  It's Friday Lunch Date time!

