Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rock On, Little One

Had to beat my head against the cliff once before scaling escarp. Submitting poetry to this Twitter-zine is the quirkiest experience I've had yet in the literary world. Not only do you submit via direct message (Twitter's version of text-messaging), but you get the editorial decision via direct message. Handling rewrite requests that way is a trip!

At the moment, you may read my prose poem on escarp's home page. But I'll update the link once I'm indexed in their writer's archive. It's a short, sweet tweet. A real treat!

(OK, someone slap me now.)



Mel Bosworth said...

Very clever and fun piece, Jessi. You are a Twitterary phenomenon. Get it? Twitter + literary?

....I'll smack you if you smack me.

j said...

Only with pillows and pies, my friend. Don't want to damage those fiery neurons of yours;-)

Twitterary. :-)

Jessie Carty said...

Love it Jess!


j said...

Thanks, Jess! ;-)