Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I "did lunch" with a girlfriend today. We're both trying to squeeze in the last bit of grown-up time before summer break holds us captive. Why does this matter? Because as I finished my asparagus ravioli (VERY green), my mobile phone chirped. I know, I should have had the ringer off. But we both get calls from school principals on a routine basis, so she didn't take offense.

Only it wasn't a principal, teacher, or even the bus-barn. It was Nanoism posting their issue 23...featuring me:-) And I got to share the moment (plus my mobile) with a friend. And we were both so excited we forgot to order dessert. Yay!

BTW if you missed the stunning conclusion of "Dakar 1989," you can now catch the entire 4-tweet series here. I'm off to scrounge some cookies or cinnamon toast or something. Tweessert's nice, but the high has worn off and I'm jonesing for some real sugar.


Safety Goggle: 23 at Nanoism

(think before you read)
my content = TV-PG
other content = TV-PG


Jessie Carty said...

that is awesome!
don't we love technology :)
and you saved calories on dessert, ha!

j said...

Think I love technology too much. Now if I could just stop snacking while surfing the web;-)

Cute kitty, BTW!